Thursday, September 23, 2010

Biking in the Northern Black Forest

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Yay, I'm back!
I am back in Germany and am trying to settle in here.

...And I don't even know what to write about.

But I have some pictures for you:
These are from a bike-trip through the northern Black Forest about 62km long. It was a cool sunny early autumn day and I could enjoy the fresh air on 800-1000m for several hours! It almost felt like Norway!

Loffenau in the morning sun
the way up has divers faces
towards the light
"Teufelsmühle" on 900m
an old waymark from 1871
"Hohnlohturm" on 988m
right next to it is a "kind-of" swamp

looks like Norway, doesn't it?
a peaceful creek right beside the way
I'd like to live here...
Bad Wildbad

here an overview of the track
great website: