Sunday, November 16, 2008

POTM: October 2008

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POTM means "Picture of the month" and I will show after each month one of my favourite picture i took the last month.

October 2008

I like the lines and the contrast between the enlightened leaveless trees and its shadows on the ground very much. You can see the small way (if it is a way) going deep in the picture.

date taken: 10/26/2008 2:21 pm
focal length: 24mm (35mm-aquivalent)
f-number: 3.6
exposure time: 1/270 sec
iso: 100

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Cold Night...

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...was the night from 1st to 2nd of november.
Friedrich and me went up Snaukollen (661m) and stayed in a tent over the night. It was very cold (about -15 degree Celcius in the night) and we both got not much sleep. It was a deep experience to be patient and to endure the cold, and I think I don't want to do this again (and he neither ;-) )
At least we had a beautiful sunrise, we enjoyed the nice nature and the fresh air.

Here some pictures...